Gemini Abbie Goes In For A Sneaky Pash On ‘Bachy’ Tonight & Everyone’s Pissed

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On tonight’s episode of The Bachelor, we finally get to see our annual photo shoot group date, where a couple of girls get to pose conspicuously close to Dr. Matt’s face and try to breathe daintily on him.

Presumably there will also, as is tradition, be ‘villains’ dressed in unflattering outfits. I love this show!

The tea today is that Gemini Abbie gets so close to the spunky astrophysicist that she can see every blemish on his chiselled face and there’s sexual! tension! So at some stage, she scores herself some alone time, which she uses for smooching.

And that dog move pissed off all the girls. Doesn’t she know that one-on-one time never leads to a real pash? It is simply not done.

Watch the promo for tonight’s episode here:

Abbie explained herself to OK!, not failing to add that Dr. Matt, possibly the horniest of all the Australian Bachelors, is a “fantastic” kisser. TMI.

“In the moment – we were both nervous – there was a real spark between us and it just happened.

“After the photo shoot there was real chemistry there. I’d told the girls that I wouldn’t kiss him when we had our time alone together in the orchard, because I didn’t want to assume that he would kiss me.”

Well, that explains everything. She added that she decided to fess up to the other ladies because she tongue-kissed him with such fervour that all her lippie came off.

“I was wearing red lipstick – and when I came back, I wasn’t,” she says. “I wasn’t going to lie. I’m not sorry, I’m here to find love.”

An insider told the gossip rag that Abbie became “one of the most unpopular girls in the house” because of her actions. And Rachael, the bride villain, was not afraid to articulate precisely the level of the women’s discontent to the OK!

“Abbie’s a sly dog. All the girls were angry. It caused a huge divide.”

There you have it. The girls are mad at Abbie for sneaking a snog tonight when she said she didn’t plan on it. They are not mad at Sogand or Elly, two people who have also kissed their shared, buff space boyfriend.