An Ex-Bachelor Contestant Has Revealed Why Matt & Chelsie Split Up
While we may have a new The Bachelor love story to embrace with Locky Gilbert choosing Irena Srbinovska in last month’s finale, many of us are still reeling from 2019’s winning couple calling it quits after just a few months together.
Matt Agnew and Chelsie McLeod’s television romance was adorable, with the two loveable geeks appearing to be a perfect match — but their relationship was short-lived. Aside from Blake Garvey and Sam Frost *shudders*, they had the briefest Bachy relationship on record, leaving fans massively confused over what went wrong.
Now one of the contestants from the 2019 season, iconic plan-B haver Rachael Arahill, has appeared on the always juicy So Dramatic! podcast to set the record straight over what went down. “I guess what happened was that their relationship on the show didn’t transpire into real life, ” she began.
“He broke up with her, she was like so devo for months. She was kind of like, ‘I just invested my whole year in this guy’ and she just had a shit boyfriend before [dating Matt], and she was like ‘Again? Really?’.”
The Bachy star revealed that Chelsie didn’t see much of Matt while they were together. “Chelsie is one of my best friends and he didn’t really treat her properly,” Rachael said. “There’s not really any tea, he just wasn’t really invested in the relationship,” adding, “he was never around,” and went travelling (without Chelsie) to Ireland after filming wrapped.
Rachael went on to say that Matt had “other stuff” going on that played a part in the demise of his relationship with Chelsie. “She was invested, she is like the best girlfriend ever. She loved him. But I think he has other stuff going on. It’s not his fault, he’s got other things going on in his head. [I have] nothing against him personally.”
She also addressed the infamous contract rumoured to ensure The Bachelor’s winning couple stay together for three months, which coincidently lines up perfectly with how long Matt and Chelsie dated, with the finale airing in September last year and the couple confirming their split in December.
“I’ve heard that there’s a three-month contract that they have to stay together but I never heard that [from production] and Chels was always like, ‘Matt will tell me nothing.'” Ooft. That sounds suss.
Hopefully 2020 winner’s Locky and Irena can break The Bachelor curse, as we haven’t had an ongoing, long-lasting romance since Matty J’s season. Praying for y’all.