the incredibles 2

7 Reasons Why ‘The Incredibles 2’ Is One Of The Most Important Sequels We’ve Seen In Years

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14 long years after The Incredibles came out and rocked the childhood of millions of fans around the world, we have finally been gifted with a sequel.

And boy, did it deliver. Not only in terms of the box-office, where it had the biggest opening of all time for an animated film, but also in terms of a movie that matters to its audience.

Image result for the incredibles gif

Before we delve deep: A warning for you all. This post may contain some spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet then a) WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?! and b) you might want to wait before reading this.

Here’s why The Incredibles 2 Is So Damn Important:

1. It has a badass cast of female role models

With movies like Oceans 8, the Ghostbusters remake and Wonder Woman all gracing our screens in the last couple of years, it might seem like the movie industry is killing it in term of female leads. But the truth is, the number of tough female characters (especially in animated movies) is still far fewer than their male counterparts. The Incredibles 2 not only brings Helen/Elastigirl to the forefront and sees Violet becoming more powerful, but it also introduces powerful new women into the fold.

2. It passes the Bechdel test

This ‘test’ simply looks at whether two female characters in a movie talk about something other than a man. It isn’t necessarily the be-all and end-all of whether or not a movie is great, but it’s worth a mention. And with a strong lady lead, a female villain, a politician, a powerful-yet-angsty teen and an exciting new hero all conversing with one another, The Incredibles 2 totally passes.

3. It celebrates stay-at-home parents

While Helen/Elastigirl is off saving the world (shout-out to all the superhero mums out there!), Bob/Mr Incredible steps into the role of full-time Dad. With a moody teenager, sibling drama, middle school algebra assignments and an over-powered baby, let’s be honest – it’s a bit of a shitshow. Which is just like real life parenting (except with added powers), and not something we often see in animated movies.

4. The action scenes have you on the edge of your seat

It turns out awesome fight sequences aren’t just limited to live action movies. When it comes to action, The Incredibles 2 absolutely delivers.

5. It takes us back to our childhood

Let’s be honest, 2004 was a simpler time. It was a time when we didn’t have to worry about paying rent, sorting out bills, or doing our own grocery shopping. Back in 2004, the biggest things we had to worry about was whether Mum would let us get a Happy Meal for dinner or make us eat our vegetables. And for two glorious hours, we were right back there.

6. It’s funny AF 

We could analyse the movie for hours, and it’s definitely worth an essay or two, but it’s also just a great feel-good flick. Between Bob attempting to deal with baby Jack-Jack’s new powers, cringe-worthy teen exchanges and pretty much every scene Frozone appears in, Disney/Pixar definitely know how to bring the lols.

7. Edna Mode

The greatest movie character to ever grace our screens. Enough said.