Tony Abbott Zombie

The Internet Is Losing Its Mind Over Tony Abbott’s Feature Role On The Cover Of ‘Outlast’

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You wouldn’t be mistaken if you felt like in the last two weeks, Former PM Tony Abbott had risen from the dead.

Everywhere you look there he is: clawing at us through the tv, sucking our brains out while he defends his record during interviews, and trying to convince us that the nasty bite mark on his arm isn’t infected, his totally fine and staying on.

Zombie Tony Abbott

But what if Abbott truly was a zombie? Chances are he’d look eerily like the front cover of Red Barrels’ 2014 game Outlast.

Up until now the similarity between the ex pm and the games cover had gone unnoticed, until one fan pointed the resemblance out on twitter.

The internet jumped on board and hilarity ensued. It’s currently unknown if Abbott was the inspiration for the cover art, but have reached out to the developers for an answer.

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