Triple R Govermnet

Triple R has been backed by the Government against developers

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Melbourne community radio station Triple R has been backed by the Victorian State Government against property developers.

According to The Age, the all-round supporters of music culture in the city have were saved when Labor intervened to stop a six-storey, 28 unit development being built next to the station’s East Brunswick headquarters.

The apartment building threatened to block the station’s signal from reaching a transmitter on Mount Dandenong. Upgrades to ensure the community station could continue its operation would have set them back an unrealistic $452,000 to move their mast. It’s a small but necessary win for local music.

Local Minister in the area Jane Garrett said the radio station was part of Melbourne’s cultural fabric.

“I’m proud that we’ve been able to secure 3RRR which is a community icon driven by passionate volunteers,” Ms Garrett said.

Triple R do more than their fair share to support emerging artists in the city. Check out their live shows via YouTube, including Melbourne outfit I’lls live on the breakfast show with Steve Wide, Alicia Sometimes and Josh Earl below.


Image source: Triple R (RRR) website