Biggest Moments 2015 Twitter

Twitter Names The Biggest Moments That Changed The World In 2015

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What’s in a tweet? Well, besides 140 characters, some #hashtags and few emojis, the ‘microblogging’ platform is also driving conversation around trending global issues in realtime.

Over the past year, Twitter has been measuring all your tweets, mashing them together and performing same mad data science to work out what we’re all yappin’ on about.

To cap off the year, the kind folk behind the social media giant have compiled the biggest moments that changed the world in 2015. It’s a neat little way to reminisce on the major stories, breaking news and conversations that sparked #convos on the internet over the past 12 months and a reminder of how much the world has changed in that time.

Use the gallery below to scroll through the grouped tweets. You may need to wait a moment as the data is fetched and beamed through the interwebs in supersonic speed and loaded in our site, but it’ll be worth it 🙂

Twitter’s Top Global Moments Of 2015 

Please allow a second for the moment to fetch 

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