WATCH: The Two New Bachy Girls Are Really Intense & This Will Be Good
There’s only a mere two weeks until The Bachelor touches down on our tellies, and Channel Ten is continuing to slowly feed us information on the contestants.
After meeting the first two ladies, Cass and Brooke, last week teasers have been released for Vanessa and Dasha – and we might have our first villains.
The two women are quite different from the first batch of ladies and seem very intense… so therefore they look likely to be drama-magnets. Yay!
Meet the next two ladies set to fight for the Honey Badger’s heart:
Tbh Vanessa seems a lil cray. In the clip, the legal secretary from Victoria keeps introducing herself as ‘Vanessa Sunshine’ and it’s a bit much.
“I just don’t know if I should be running or chasing,” Nick admits.
Same, Nick. Same.
Dasha comes across as a vampire from Dracula, and we’re here for it. The 32-year-old Russian expat is a mother-of-one and a personal trainer.
The clip hints heavily that something weird goes down between Dasha and our Bachy so, of course, we assume she turned into a bat.
The Bachelor kicks off on August 15.