UBERUMPIRE Umpire Australia Day UBER

UBER and Optus Have Teamed Up To Deliver Back Yard Cricket Umpires To Your Place On ‘Straya Day!

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UBER have joined forces with the legendary Billy Bowden and their mates at Optus to bring you UberUMPIRE on Australia Day.

‘One-hand-one-bounce’, ‘tippity’, ‘can’t go out first ball’ and the six-and-out…all contentious BYC codes up for debate this ‘Straya day which could bring your backyard BBQ in to disrepute. No one wants that.

Well fear not Australia.

Uber and Optus have recruited cricket umpire Billy Bowden to pull the crooked finger out and keep the peace.  It’s your very own, real-life, legit, Cricket Umpire on-demand.

UBER Umpire

With the touch of a button, you’ll be able to request an UberUMPIRE to lay down the law and officiate your game of backyard cricket for three overs. The best part? It’s absolutely FREE, ziltch, zero, zip. Yes, you’d be silly not to.

UBER Umpire

The umpire will arrive at your joint and stay for three overs, or a maximum of 30 minutes. That’s enough to at least lay down the law and make sure everyone’s playing fair and square for the rest of the day.

To get started, you’ll need to have the UBER app, open ‘er up between 11am and 3pm on Jan 26. Then, slide your zink smeared fingers across to ‘UberUMPIRE’ to request the umpy.

UBER Umpire

UBER notes that demand is likely to be sky-high, so if you can’t request straight off the bat (boom!) keep trying. You can also preview the UberUMPIRE view before Australia Day by entering the promo code ‘UMPIRE’.

umpire GIF

To stay up-to-date and join the pun-fest that is UberUMPIRE, check out the #UberUMPIRE hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.

Here’s a little taste of what’s to come.