Take This Quiz And We’ll Tell You Which Unhealthy Habit You Most Need To Change

Brought to you by Queensland Government

Queensland Health is working towards a healthier future for all Queenslanders. #DumpTheJunk today.

Everyone has a bad habit or two. Trust us, even your super fit, health-conscious friends get amongst some kind of unhealthy behaviour. It’s normal to fall in and out of bad habits, but that’s the important part – getting out of them.

That’s why we’ve put together a quiz in partnership with Queensland Government to help you identify what your unhealthy relationships are and figure out some easy ways to end them.

Take this quiz and we’ll tell you which unhealthy habit you most need to change and how to do it.

Figuring out what your unhealthy habits are is half the battle, so you should feel proud for getting this far! Now that you know, you can do something about it.

Queensland Health is on a mission to help you end your unhealthy relationships, so they’ve made the Dump The Junk online resource. It’s got lots of surprising facts about what junk food, sugary drinks, long gaming and binge-watching sessions, and not getting enough exercise can do to your health.

Like, did you know that too much alcohol can lead to erectile dysfunction? Extremely not a vibe.

Treat yourself to a little health check-in and get on your way to living a healthier and happier life. ‘Cuz you deserve it.

This article originally appeared on Junkee.

Find out how Queensland Health can help you #DumpTheJunk and end one of your unhealthy relationships with junk food, sugary drinks, inactivity, or screen time here.

(Lead image: Olga Kozachenko / Unsplash)