Best Car Chase Scenes

Watch 50 movies edited together to create the ultimate car chase

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Movie blog Filmnørdens Hjørne were looking for their next editing challenge and came up with the crazy idea of paying tribute to ‘the art of the car chase’ with an incredible movie mashup. [blockquote author=”Filmnørdens Hjørne” pull=”pullright”]The video ended up sort of making itself.[/blockquote]

Editing 50 movie scenes, each with their own storyline, doesn’t sound like an easy job but the guys have done a pretty darn fine effort in stitching together this six minute clip. Although the continuity isn’t perfect, there’s definitely a coherent feeling to it. Each clip feels more part of a series of little scenes that tell their own little stories with a rhythm that flows throughout.

From Drive, Indiana Jones, Beverly Hills Cop and The Dark Knight – it’s an awesome way to relive some of the most spectacular, explosive and destructive scenes from some killer films. According to the creators:

Watch below: