WHAT’S POPPIN? Just 14 Funny AF Reactions To ‘The Young Pope’
Long before the HBO program premiered, the jokes were already rolling in. For a show to be called something as absurd and well, meaningless as The Young Pope, people were pretty confused. Then came the many (I mean, many) tweets.
The series starring Jude Law had its US debut over the weekend. We quickly learnt a few things. The Young Pope smokes. The Young Pope likes Cherry Coke Zero. The Young Pope wears fabulous hats.
Good news is that The Young Pope is 100% aware of how ridonkulous the show’s title sounds. It plays up the premise’s reputation throughout. The series is actually getting positive reviews, but it is still ripe for all the lols.
These tweets pretty much sum up the crux of the series:
He's young. He's the pope. So far it's as advertised. #YoungPope pic.twitter.com/Gh7VCCld0i
— Rachel West (@rachel_is_here) January 16, 2017