WOAH: Grant From BIP Is Throwing Major Shade At Ali For Cheating On Him
The fallout from Bachelor In Paradise has reached peak level petty. Grant has spoken out in a new interview, claiming that he broke up with Ali because she cheated on him – and he caught her doing the deed.
What we know so far is that Ali and Grant broke up soon after BIP finished, right before Ali was chosen to be our (not-so-popular) 2018 Bachelorette.
Speaking to New Idea, Grant said that not only did Ali cheat on him, she did it with one of his m8s at a party he threw at his own place in L.A. Grant told NW:
“The third or fourth day she got here, we went out and this night – when all this stuff happened – I had people over after going out to a club,”
“I live in a gated community so I have to go down and let people in sometimes.
“So, I leave my house with my friend Sabrina, to go and grab my friends and bring them back upstairs, and when we walk back inside, we come up the stairs and she is hooking up with this dude.”
In the aftermath, Grant said he kicked Ali out of his place and she inundated his phone with messages apologising. Grant said:
“She starts blowing up at me the next day saying: “I’m so sorry. I was wasted. That’s not me.” And I was like, “No, I don’t want to see you,”’
“I told her to stop talking to me: “I’m about to block you”, so that’s what I did, I blocked her and she flew home the next day or something like that.”
NW reckon they’ve seen the texts exchanged between Grant and Ali, and can confirm Ali was sending messages begging him for forgiveness.
This certainly paints a very different picture to what we thought went down between the two. Grant finished the interview by warning readers:
“There’s your Bachelorette.”
Soo petty. Much drama. WE LOVE IT.