Brittany From ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ On Her Post-Show Romance With Timm: “It Was Disastrous”

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Brittany Hockley was an unlikely but welcome surprise on this year’s Bachelor In Paradise.

Infamously dumped in the Honey Badger’s finale in 2018, Britt’s return to the Bachy franchise saw her form another unlikely bond, hitting it off with the eccentric ‘larrikin’ from Angie Kent’s season, Timm Hanly.

We didn’t see a whole lot of their love story blossom out on our screens, as more airtime was given to other aspects of the show like the dramatic Bula Banquets. But after Sunday’s controversial banquet where Timm (known for stirring the pot) and Ciarran got into a fight with Matt, Timm made the decision to leave Paradise the next day, asking Britt to go with him. As far as the story on TV portrayed, they left together to go find their happily ever after.

In reality, it wasn’t quite like that. We chatted to Britt Hockley about what happened with Timm after they finished filming Bachelor In Paradise:

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“When you get knocked down, you get back up again.” I have no regrets and took a lot away from my time in Paradise. We all know I’m a huge romantic and I love love, so if there was a chance of me finding that I was going to give it a go. I’ve always thought that you can gain a lot from putting yourself out there and saying yes to opportunities. Nothing great comes from staying inside of your comfort zone. Whilst that environment wasn’t for me, I’ve made so many good friends and had so many good times. Unfortunately it (still) wasn’t my turn for a happy ending. But that’s ok, it’s all part of the journey I’m meant to travel on, and whilst my journey is a bloody long, tumultuous and unintentionally funny one, I’m sure when it does happen it will be worth the wait. (It bloody better be) ? Thanks to everyone for being so amazing and supportive, I’ve had so much love from you all and from the cast too. It honestly means a lot. @lifeuncutpodcast is up now if you’re interested in my story ? Be kind and have a great day legends! ? Now, to get back to dating! ? Xx #love

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On what went down with Timm:

“It was a really hard year. I think if I knew it would’ve been this long I wouldn’t have done it. But then because of Covid everything got pushed back. It’s so nice to have it out, and be open about it, and get things back on track,” Britt said.

“Timm obviously asked me to leave, he was always really adamant he wanted to be with me, and he felt lucky, and he wanted to try it in the outside world. Everything you’d ever want to hear is what he was saying. Then it was disastrous. We only saw each other once. Unfortunately who Timm was on the show didn’t translate to who he was in the outside world. He didn’t want a relationship, he didn’t even really want to try. It felt like he put on a front, really.”

On Timm saying he went into film BIP too quickly after Bachelorette:

“He did get thrust into that crazy world quickly, he was filming Paradise before The Bachelorette finale even aired and there’s a lot that comes with that. But he’s a grown man, and I don’t think he can use that as an excuse.”

On not being able to salvage a friendship with Timm:

“I heard nothing from Timm until the day the show started after the first episode. I was really disappointed, at a minimum I thought the connection we had was real, or at least a good friendship. I thought at the very least we’d be good to have in each other’s lives in some capacity. And he just didn’t want a bar of it, he treated me pretty badly for the short time we were together and then he took off.”

On those hectic Bula Banquets:

“I constantly wanted to walk away and bury my head in the sand like an ostrich or something. It was so uncomfortable and so unnecessary. A girl just wants to sit down and have a wine and an oyster but we all had to have a fight every night!”

On being told to “pull her man into line”:

“I think Cass said it, Niranga said it, a few people in the general public said it. Firstly, I’ve known the guy a week, secondly, he’s a grown man and I don’t think it’s up to any woman to have to control and pull her man into line, especially publicly, that’s not my place. Don’t get me wrong I definitely had words to Timm and told him that his behaviour was unacceptable, but I don’t think that needs to be done in a public forum. I don’t need to air our dirty laundry at a dinner table on TV. We’re in 2020 it’s not up to a woman to have to control her partner.”

On people using editing as an excuse for poor behaviour:

“To be honest, obviously there is editing. But you can only edit so much. I think a lot of the times it’s an excuse. People are saying nasty things and their behaviour is unacceptable and they’re like ‘oh it’s a bad edit.’ You’ve said it, you’ve dont it, and you’ve behaved in that way. Maybe your edit has been heightened for sure, and some things can be taken out of context. But the reason I’m not shown to be nasty, is because I wasn’t nasty. I think it’s a bit of a cop-out, and there are definitely lines the producers or editors put together but there’s only so much you can do.”

On whether anyone tried to hit her up for an alliance before BIP:

“I don’t think anybody expected me to be on there, including myself! I was such a last-minute sign on. A lot of people in the Bachy franchise are a bit incestuous. A lot of people come out and they’re all of a sudden best friends with everyone else from other seasons. I’ve never been like that, I’ve never contacted anyone else. I just wanted to be done with it and get on with my life. I literally didn’t know one person expect Brittany because she was on my season.”

On the bro code:

“The bloody bro code was such a joke, it was so hypocritical and so unnecessary. Looking back it was really hard to watch. But also looking back, a lot of people don’t realise… like, a lot of people said to me ‘How could you be with Timm when all day every day they were having these conversations and being toxic?’. We don’t see the boys talking together in private. We only saw a minimal amount. But I think they’ve learned from it, I think Timm and Ciarran have watched that back and thought ‘oh my gosh I need to change that behaviour.'”

On the women being the saving grace of the show:

“All the girls were so amazing, and this season they really held their own. It was really nice to see women support women, and see women lift each other up instead of bringing each other down.”

On not doing BIP again… but…

“I wouldn’t do Paradise again, that’s not my environment. I would do The Bachelorette for sure, it’s a different world. You’re in control, and you get to meet so many other people who are matched to you.”