Do People Ring Doorbells Anymore Or Just Text “Here” Instead?

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The latest debate to take hold of Twitter is one we can all relate to: Do people still ring doorbells or has it become an outdated custom, since most of us just text “here” instead?

The convo was kickstarted by this tweet from @youngandjoven at the start of the week urging someone to write about “millennials killing the doorbell industry.” So once again, millennials are responsible for ruthlessly killing off old traditions.

While it turns out an article on this very topic has indeed been written, that didn’t stop the folks on Twitter jumping in to echo the original tweet’s sentiments: Do not ring the doorbell. Ever.

To many young people, the idea of someone wanting to ring the doorbell brings on anxiety.

We just don’t need that added stress in our lives.

But there are variations on texting “here” as it really depends on personal taste.

Please spare a thought for delivery drivers. That greasy Indian curry is not going to text you so please answer the buzzer.

This idea is actually genius.


When questioning my colleagues over their preference, the majority said they haven’t rang a doorbell in years, with the exception of a few nerds over 30.

We are living in a doorbell-less society people, get used to it.

I personally pen a handwritten note saying “PRESENT!” and slide it under the door.