laurina bachelor in paradise

NOOO: Laurina Has Left ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ & We Miss Her Already

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The breakout star of Aussie dating trashpile show, aka Bachelor In Paradise, has 100 percent been Laurina. We liked her back in 2014 when she wouldn’t eat a dirty street pie, but this year we fell in love with her no-fucks-given attitude and aversion to bachy fuckbois.

She dumped serial douche Blake after he actually forgot her name in a rose ceremony, and in last night’s ep sent that dumb Canadian home, to the delight of a nation.

Sadly, our fave island lass Laurina has set sail and has left the series.

How did we get here? It started as Laurina got a date card! Yay! Yay?

Not so much.

Laurina said she CBF and refused to go. The bachy MVP has spoken.

Who can blame her really?! She had an eye mask on and was ready for a nap. Tbh, I wouldn’t want to go on a fucking date when my bed is RIGHT THERE.

The rest of the gang were far from thrilled, bonging on about the premise of the show being about banging dating. HOWEVER also: naps are gr8.

As the poor lady was feeling pressured to cherry pick some rando, she had a mini breakdown and was not in the best mood for romance.

“This is not cool. I’m gonna leave,” is the last thing we hear Laurina say.

Then in the preview for tomorrow night’s rose ceremony, we can see all the women lined up BUT it’s clear Laurina ain’t there.

Check out the screenshot below:


She is the paradise kween we didn’t deserve.