In the MAFS Uncensored Facebook group, Harrison questioned Alyssa’s handling of the situation, saying it “smacks of clueless immaturity”.

Alyssa’s Sister Has Spilt Some Piping Hot Tea About Alyssa And Duncan’s Relationship

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Alyssa Barmonde appeared to have a fairytale start on Married at First Sight with husband Duncan James, but things have gone slowly downhill in recent weeks.

Starting with Alyssa’s outburst about Duncan being too kind to Adam during the Claire and Adam kiss saga, through to retreat week where the two had a fight about not spending enough time together, the cracks have started to appear in what seemed like one of the strongest couples in the experiment.

With Alyssa especially emotional during Sunday’s commitment ceremony, breaking down over the fact she didn’t think Duncan would understand her son is her first priority, it ended with the two opting to stay for another week, even after Alyssa walked out of the couch session with the experts.

Before Sunday’s episode aired, a AMA popped up in the MAFSAU Subreddit, with someone claiming (and later verified) to be Alyssa’s sister jumped on in to talk about MAFS and Alyssa’s edit.

Here’s all the tea Alyssa’s sister spilt on Reddit about Alyssa’s time on Married at First Sight.

alyssa married at first sight

On the Claire and Adam situation and Alyssa’s intense reaction:

“IMO I def think Adam took advantage of Claire in her situation. But even though Jesse was acting crappy the way they adamantly denied was crappy too. And yes, I was not proud or happy of the way Alyssa acted.”

alyssa married at first sight

On Alyssa apologising to Claire:

“She is definitely very headstrong, she even told Duncan that in her vows. She says what she thinks. That being said, she was remorseful for the things she said/did to Claire. Janelle is her good friend, Adam and Claire had blatantly lied to the entire group and made Jesse look insane. She was upset. Did she go about it in the right way? Hell no. But she has apologised to Claire.”

On Alyssa’s real thoughts about Duncan:

“She felt like he was saying all of the right things, but there was never any real intent behind them. She was scared when things got tough he would run. Maybe part was her own insecurities but I think I wrote on another post that you should always listen to your heart!

I remember in the beginning when they married it was like a fairytale, but as time went on she didn’t feel like she could believe him.”

On Duncan’s “red flags”:

“She definitely saw red flags from the very beginning. But trusted in the process and was very raw and vulnerable and gave her everything to the experiment. A lot happened off camera that they will never show. Even with the confession. She gave her 100% worst secret and what did he say was his confession? It didn’t show. Sooooo much editing.”

“He was very different to her off camera to on camera. She was very scared that he would up and leave when things got tough. And because she has a son, she was giving up a lot to be there. He always seemed to say the right thing but she never felt like it was very genuine. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life is to always trust your gut!”

On Duncan’s confession for Confessions Week that was never shown:

“I’m not in a position to say what it was. But it made Alyssa feel awful because she had a real confession and his was something she had already heard from him. And let’s just say she poured her heart out to him and his was surface level at best.”

On the tweets/memes being made about Alyssa:

“Not gonna lie, some of the memes I think are hilarious. She doesn’t though. I did tell her she should monopolise and make shirts that say ‘I need attention’ lol. Some days are definitely better than others! I don’t know how I would react with it being me.”

On Alyssa’s apparent “neediness”:

“She has never dated as a single mum. So she’s still trying to work out her expectations. She was fearful that he would prioritise the boys over her during the retreat – she broke up with an ex because she would get upset he was a boys’ boy.

I also think it really is part of her insecurities, coming out of a divorce, with a kid, it is not easy to date. She’s older and scared to put her heart on the line. That’s why she said yes to doing the show!”

On the way Alyssa made Duncan appear on girls’ night:

“They showed 30 seconds of a 45 min conversation. Everything she said to the girls is what he said to her. They just don’t show it. EVERYTHING is so edited. Most of the time when she would cry it’s because they are talking about her son but they edit that part out every time.”

Read the full Reddit thread with Alyssa’s sister here.