alyssa married at first sight

That Emotional ‘MAFS’ Commitment Ceremony Retold Via The Best Tweets

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A walkout, a couple calling it quits, and the Harrison and Bronte show continuing — last night’s Married at First Sight commitment ceremony really went above and beyond. It was stressful, actually!

After Harrison dumped Bronte last week after retreat, the two both opted to stay together for SOME GODDAMN REASON, IT’S ACTUALLY AWFUL TO WATCH AT THIS POINT AND I LOW-KEY HATE IT.

Anyway, the fallout from Wednesday’s dinner party continued, after Harrison got into Jesse’s head about Claire staying on the show to redeem her image. Jesse and Claire never quite recovered even after having a loved-up week at the couples retreat. Harrison strikes again!

In other dramatic news, Alyssa walked out sobbing during her couch session with Duncan, and we’re not sure if this once promising couple is ever going to recover from… whatever the hell is going on there.

At least we can laugh at the tweets, right?

Here’s what happened during last night’s Married at First Sight commitment ceremony.

Alyssa and Duncan are first up to debrief about their issues and Alyssa says she feels Duncan feels like he’ll be a second priority to her son. Duncan said he doesn’t feel like that at all and he’s happy to manoeuvre his lifestyle around hers.

Duncan admits he’s worried her expectations are too high. In response, Alyssa starts talking about her child again and walks off crying.

Alyssa leaves and Duncan goes back to face the experts and Alessandra says the reaction seems intense. Duncan says he’s struggling to work through Alyssa’s triggers and then Alyssa pops up again. Surprise! They both write stay.

Ollie and Tahnee say they’re in the process of falling in love.

Lyndall and Cam are all of a sudden happy again and feeling good, but haven’t discussed what their future would look like.

Bronte and Harrison have their turn. Bronte says she’s still falling for Harrison and he tells the experts he rejects the notion that he ever manipulated Bronte because she gets “emotional” and she “exaggerates things”. John is quick to pull Harrison up and asks him what he does within the relationship that creates problems and Harrison doesn’t think he’s contributed anything. Of course!

Harrison decided to stay, as did Bronte. Claire calls Bronte out on behalf of the group after Bronte said she was done with Harrison. Lyndall then says she’s in disbelief with Bronte’s decision after being her biggest support system all week. John asks Bronte if she thinks Harrison has been emotionally manipulating her and she says no.

Evelyn and Rupert are becoming more playful and flirty but haven’t sealed the deal yet. Melinda and Layton have their turn and Layton says he’ll always have Mel’s back, but she disagrees. “I’m an analytical thinker and a logical thinker and Mel is emotional,” Layton says. John then calls Layton out being too analytical with his feelings. Get out of the boardroom, Layton!

Finally, we’re left with the couple in crisis (again): Jesse and Claire. Jesse admits if it wasn’t for Harrison putting seeds of doubt in his mind, he probably wouldn’t have opted to leave the experiment. Both Claire and Jesse choose to leave.

On tonight’s ep, the couples do a partner swap, and you guessed it: poor Melinda is paired with Harrison for the next three days. Let us join together in a prayer circle for Mel.

Married at First Sight returns tonight on Channel Nine at 7:30pm.