YIKES: Bryce’s Offensive & Racist Stand Up Comedy Routine Has Surfaced Online
In news that probably won’t shock too many people who have watched Bryce Ruthven of this season of Married at First Sight, an old stand up comedy routine performed by the groom has surfaced — and it’s not just unfunny, it’s extremely offensive.
The clip was posted to Bryce’s YouTube account — yep, the same account that gifted us Bryce singing ‘Twerking Class Man’. Filmed in 2013 when he was still working for radio show, Bryce and Tulles, he performed at a comedy night and from the second Bryce hit the stage, he was saying some absolutely cooked statements.
“There’s a bit of a thing going around on stage, I cop a bit of s**t. Because I feel like I’m a black person stuck inside a white person’s body,” he began.
“I’m a big fan of ‘ghetto’ music. Have you heard of Johnny Ruffo? He’d be my number one man. Timomatic? He’s up there with one of the greatest ghetto singers ever.” It’s unclear whether Bryce is being sarcastic at this point, but his repeated use of the word ‘ghetto’ is no less racially insensitive.
Bryce doesn’t stop there. He goes on to describe his favourite Johnny Ruffo song, ‘On Top of the World’. “I’ll sing a line…I’m on top of the world, when I’m on top of you, girl,” Bryce said. “I’m now 24, and at 3am in the morning I like to sing that line to a girl, she normally has to be drunk to actually buy it and come home.” Gross.
If you thought Bryce couldn’t get any more repulsive, just wait. After making the above rape joke, Bryce said a straight-up racist comment targeting beloved Aussie comedian Akmal Saleh, the comedy night’s host. “I’m from Cronulla, anyone remember the Cronulla Riots? Akmal might have been involved, I haven’t asked him but he is Middle Eastern, so I’m not sure.”
Considering the comedy set was filmed only eight years ago, these “jokes” weren’t acceptable then and they’re not acceptable now. Bryce keeping this video on his channel in 2021 simply boggles the mind.