The ‘MAFS’ Dinner Party From Hell Recapped Via The Funniest Tweets

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Ooh boy. Sit down, grab a coffee, and take a deep breath because we’re still reeling from all the drama in last night’s Married at First Sight dinner party.

While Intimacy Week had brought some couples closer together, others were left hanging by a thread. Caitlin and Shannon are basically unsalvageable at this point, and we quickly learnt last night that one of the experiment’s seemingly stronger couples, Cam and Lyndall, are also on shaky ground after something Lyndall saw, that could affect Caitlin. Lyndall wanted to speak up, and Cam wanted her to not get involved in the drama and just focus on them as a couple. But more on that soon!

To put it simply, last night’s dinner party episode was chaotic: after one fire was put out, another was quick to start, and the night ended with the future of another fan favourite couple looking dire. And who had his sticky hands in all of the drama? Why, Harrison, of course!

Let’s just look at the funny tweets and unpack this hot mess, shall we?

Last night’s fiasco of a Married at First Sight dinner party recapped via the best tweets:

Let’s set the scene first: The drama was kicking off before the dinner party even began. It turns out Claire and Lyndall had earlier spotted Shannon with a woman and a small child and he “shushed” Claire. Suspicious!

Lyndall had bigger problems at play, with tensions with Cam running at an all-time high after he told her he didn’t want to get involved in any drama, as though Lyndall can help what she saw. Which leads us to…

Cam and Lyndall go into the dinner party icy and Cam tells the boys he doesn’t want to get involved in other people’s shit. We get it, Cam! You’re not Dr. Phil! We know!

Caitlin makes her solo entrance and debriefs the girls on all the horrendous things Shannon said to her during Intimacy Week. Adam decides that Shannon will need the boys’ support when he enters. Uhhh, OK. 

The dinner party gets tense when Claire starts questioning Shannon about who he was with and he says he wasn’t with his ex and his kid, it was his cousin and his second cousin! Naturally.

Melinda asks if he can describe the cousin and describe the ex to see if they’re different people. Meanwhile, Shannon is enjoying the debate a little too much and gives a weird confessional about how he gets away with everything.

Janelle and Adam start talking about a ~mysterious~ situation with Sandy and Dan, and Adam is deflecting his whole role as being the messenger. Janelle pulls Tahnee aside for help, while Adam tells Harrison that Janelle wants to say something. Harrison’s spidey-senses are tingling because it turns out he’s involved in this whole mess.

For context: Harrison says that he and Dan got some girls’ numbers after they were approached at a bar. Harrison said he couldn’t give his number out, so added the girl’s number and promptly deleted it after she left. He’s a standup guy, so I believe him.

Meanwhile, Harrison had told Adam on the phone what happened which Janelle apparently overheard and now Adam is trying to deflect any involvement probably because he wants to protect his bros! Cute!

Tahnee grabs Ollie and Adam and drags them out to help her and Janelle figure out whether they should talk to Dan or Sandy first. Harrison decides to go intercept the conversation and encourages the group to drop it and says he’ll talk to Dan.

Harrison pulls Dan aside to tell him what happened about the phone number saga. Dan says he never took a number and Harrison said he deleted the number. It’s all very believable.

Dan decides to hash it out with Sandy at the dinner table.  She’s triggered because she likes Dan and is confused by the situation (fair!) and ends up leaving upset.  

Harrison then tells Bronte about the situation and says he didn’t want to reject the girl in front of the boys, so he took her number. He’s so noble! Bronte doesn’t seem to give a fuck because she understands that her, uh, hot husband will get attention. 

Dan realises at some point that Harrison’s thrown him under the bus. Meanwhile, Sandy has never returned, Dan is silent, and when Lyndall questions Harrison at the table, Bronte stands up for him. Suddenly, we’re in a very strange, upside-down world!

Thank God for Alessandra.

Married at First Sight returns Sunday night at 7pm on Channel Nine and 9Go.