married at first sight final vows alyssa

The First ‘MAFS’ Final Vows Recapped Via The Best Tweets

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We’re here! We’re nearly at the finish line after a marathon run of Married at First Sight episodes.

Final vows are upon us, and in classic form, instead of easily compiling them all into one episode, they’ve been stretched out across numerous instalments. This meant during last night’s episode that we got to rehash all of Melinda and Layton’s arguments, as well as have Alyssa remind us 1567 times that she has a child.

Eventually, we saw Melinda and Layton, as well as Alyssa and Duncan, get through the final vows and does true love conquer all? Well, not always.

Let’s get straight into the funny tweets, as we all know that’s the best part.

Here’s last night’s Married at First Sight final vows recapped via the best tweets.

The couples rewatch their wedding videos to see if it sparks any final joy, except Melissa and Layton have spent their final night in separate apartments and watch their wedding video separately.

Layton starts to realise how much he misses Mel and how much he didn’t validate her feelings. Better late than never?!

During their final vows, Layton gives an emotional speech and apologises for letting Mel down. While it seemed like Mel might finally dump him, she listed out all the ways she loved him. All’s well that ends well!

As for Duncan and Alyssa, we got to recap all their best memories (tears, tantrums, “I need attention”, “I have a child” etc.). Alyssa talks about wanting the real Duncan back.

Alyssa goes first and tells Duncan she wants to give their relationship a shot in the real world. Uh oh! Duncan thanks her for her words. Uh oh!

Duncan talks about how he tried to stretch during their relationship and how things got harder and harder. Duncan tells Alyssa he has to say goodbye.

After she walks off, Alyssa says she thinks Duncan is looking for a princess but she’s not a princess, she’s a queen.

Married at First Sight returns tonight at 7:30pm on Channel Nine.