23 Of The Best Memes From Week 7 Of ‘The Bachelor’
This week The Bachelor fans were shook to their very core with the elimination of Elly before Matt took a tour around Australia visiting the final four ladies’ hometowns.
Things got hectic as Matt met Helena’s family and soon found himself wandering the wheelie bin-lined streets after she broke up with him. They eventually got back together (for now) and Emma was sent home…after admitting her undying love for Matt. Ugh.
It was all very uncomfortable to watch but perfect to meme, and that’s all that matters, right? Right!
Here are the best memes from The Bachelor, week 7:
Abbie: *lies*
Matt: *falls for it*
All of Australia: #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/hUhE9SDN9U— ????? (@StapitchulousB) September 11, 2019
the academy, on their way to abbie's house:#thebachelorau pic.twitter.com/HMeA8KJ4gt
— Andrea (@bethwoodvilles) September 11, 2019
Elly’s squinting has been the real MVP this season #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/fm4bLyCV6d
— Jerome Doraisamy (@JeromeDoraisamy) September 11, 2019
When Elly talks shit about Abbie vs When Abbie talks shit about Elly #TheBachelorAu pic.twitter.com/kEVW2Rmn54
— Tina Burke (@teeburke_) September 11, 2019
matt when the girls tell him about abbie #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/1FBleyERmV
— franfinefanaccount (@franfinefanacct) September 11, 2019
when matt when u realise
doesn’t pick that ellie can
ellie do way better#TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/LP2dDj01Lp— niki (@nikiizkool) September 11, 2019
all of Australia when Matt sent Elly home #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/vIHDczFQEd
— ????? (@lizzysaggin) September 11, 2019
Abbie pretending to be shocked that she didn’t have anything to do with Elly, Monique and Sogand going #thebachelorau pic.twitter.com/R3o5SBTUHX
— K (@kj___x) September 11, 2019
Tribal council was wild tonight. 10/10 blindside by Matt, Elly didn’t see it coming man #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/PHgJupWYMz
— Tina Burke (@teeburke_) September 11, 2019
And the cycle continues… #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/pXPcMgUDS3
— Chelsea Hart (@chelshart27) September 11, 2019
Hands up if you never in a million years thought that Emma would even get this far
#TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/8DNgiU9MKh
— Billie Ray Eilish (@bishcheese) September 12, 2019
Emma's friend is all of Australia right now..
Emma: 'I'm in love with him'
'… You've had two dates….'#TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/fVTu81mWfq
— Janine (@Janine_Wilson) September 12, 2019
Imagine living on Helenas street RN. The community Facebook page would be LIT.#thebachelorau pic.twitter.com/mTp6Prrp7l
— Ellen (@Ellz88) September 12, 2019
Matt deserves to be dumped because of this shirt alone #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/hp90DzJCt8
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) September 12, 2019
i remember when the season started i thought Matt was gonna be the smartest bachelor we’ve ever had. clearly i was VERY wrong #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/0iK4ZQDhHj
— alysha (@intosneedy) September 11, 2019