married at first sight bryce sam cameron

Viewers Are Filthy With Some Of The ‘Married At First Sight’ Men For Being So Shallow

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On last night’s Married at First Sight, viewers had to witness some truly shitty behaviour from the men on this show.

While this is nothing particularly groundbreaking for MAFS, which commonly platforms toxic dynamics in relationships, it feels like fans of the show are truly over it this time. On Thursday night’s episode, there was one thing that Sam, Bryce, and Cameron’s criticisms had in common: they were all about a woman’s physical appearance.

In all cases, the men said they were simply being honest, which somehow gave them license to be unnecessarily cruel and shallow.

The worst culprit was Sam, who actually told Coco that he split with his ex because she umm…didn’t have big enough boobs or bum. “Not everyone has big boobs, so it’s very frustrating,” he confided in Coco.

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you a 14-year-old?

Then there’s Bryce, who on Wednesday night’s episode told his wife Melissa that she wasn’t his usual type, but was “not ugly”. Charming. This set of a series of events that somehow ended in Melissa apologising to Bryce. And that’s gaslighting for you. They made up last night, but only after Melissa was reduced to tears due to Bryce’s behaviour.

Another groom, Cameron, revealed his new wife Samantha wasn’t his type, as he only dates women who frequent the gym. He told Samantha that he would approach her at a bar, but would never have a relationship with someone like her typically. He also revealed that he doesn’t think they share an emotional connection, despite having sex with her the previous night. Ugh. These men.

Dear men, stop with the ‘I’m just being honest’ BS and instead just be nice, respectable goddamn human beings. If a girl isn’t your type, either keep that to yourself or tell her that even if she isn’t, looks aren’t everything.

Big boobs and a hot gym bod aren’t going to matter when you’re a 90-year-old.

Grow tf up and stop acting like you’re still in high school.