midnight mass Monsignor John Pruitt hot

The Priest In ‘Midnight Mass’ Is Hot, Right?

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Midnight Mass is the latest Netflix offering that has viewers feeling some type of way.

Mike Flanagan’s latest horror series is straight-up spooky, while simultaneously being a massive tearjerker. The follow-up to Netflix cult faves The Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor is set on an isolated island, as a religious community welcomes a new priest (Hamish Linklater) into town.

If you’ve read this far without watching Midnight Mass — and you still want to — now is the time to exit this article, as below contains a major spoiler about the series.

The priest is not who he claims to be. He arrived introducing himself as Father Paul Hill, someone sent by the church to fill the short-term absence of the community’s elderly priest, Monsignor John Pruitt. But it is eventually revealed that Hill is in fact Pruitt, who has been reborn as his younger self, after drinking an “angel’s” blood while on a pilgrimage in Israel.

It’s obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that this apparent “angel” is more akin to a vampire. I mean, look at this thing…

I sit and wait, does this “angel” contemplate my fate? I hope TF not!

Anyways, we move on. After dying via poison and being resurrected, Pruitt becomes a vampire himself. But even before this transformation, Monsignor Pruitt was not the man he once was. The priest used God to justify killing Joe, he exploited the beliefs of the island community, and he preyed on the weak and vulnerable.

Until Pruitt’s somewhat redeeming moments in the final episode, the priest is pretty evil. But you know what else he was… hot.

Monsignor Pruitt is a slamming hottie, and I’m not the only one who thinks this.

The actor who plays Pruitt, Hamish Linklater, is an attractive man, yes, but I’m talking exclusively about the character. There’s just something about the priest in Midnight Mass. I don’t know if it’s his dashing vestment robe, his deep commanding voice, or his tousled-back hair — but it’s all working for him!

Monsignor Pruitt could absolutely get it

He could get it here.

And here.

And especially here.

Please observe the gaze of admiration, even Riley knows what’s up.

Monsignor Pruitt is a mysterious man. He has an intimidating presence, yet he’s approachable. And his sermons at church were enthralling to witness — entrancing the entire village. This man can work a room like no other. That’s just hot!

The history of Hot Priests

It might be slightly sacrilegious to state this but… priests are just hot, OK! Samantha Jones knew it on Sex and the City when she tried to seduce a priest she aptly renamed “Friar Fuck”. I wouldn’t have kicked Ewan McGregor out of bed, as the priest in Angels and Demons. Edward Norton isn’t someone is genuinely find super attractive, but as Father Finn in Keeping The Faith I could barely keep my thirst under control.

But when it comes to hot priests, there is absolutely no one comparable to The Priest (the actual character’s name) in Fleabag.

I mean, just LOOK at this man (aka Andrew Scott).

hot priest midnight mass

Like Monsignor Pruitt, it wasn’t just The Priest’s good looks that made him attractive — it was his charisma, his presence, his voice. While Fleabag’s priest was generally a good person, he had a bad boy streak (like Pruitt): he swore nonstop, drank heavily, and even broke his sacred vow of celibacy.

A priest is meant to be driven by virtue and morality, so when they throw these values out the window, it’s subverts our expectations. I don’t why, but a priest who DGAF is simply just so damn seductive.

Monsignor Pruitt, a murderous vampire priest, is possibly even hotter — the ultimate bad boy of the clergy.

Forgive me father for I have sinned, I truly want to bang the priest in Midnight Mass. Pray for me.

You can stream Midnight Mass on Netflix.