baby-sitters club

A TikToker Has Unearthed A Truly Cooked ‘The Baby-Sitters Club’ Storyline

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If you grew up in the ’90s and ’00s, chances are you’re well acquainted with The Baby-Sitters Club.

The books are about as nostalgic as it comes when thinking about childhood memories (remember the Scholastic Book Club?) and The Baby-Sitters Club movie was peak ’90s.

The movie is based on the books and follows the — you guessed it — Baby-Sitters Club crew as they open a day camp for their clients during school holidays.

Kristy, the leader of the club, gets distracted when her long-lost father shows up and the rest of the club are all going through their own separate issues, as they try to keep a good eye on the kids they’re babysitting —  but it turns out one particular storyline is so much more cooked now upon a rewatch.

Recently TikTok user @heartthrobert has been rewatching classic ’90s hits (if you haven’t seen his 7th Heaven recaps yet, please go and do that) and he’s picked up on one Baby-Sitters plotline that is truly so bad to look back on.

Stacey, one of the BSC girlies, has diabetes and is struggling to tell her new crush Luca about it. Luca is 17 and Stacey is, uh, *checks notes* 13. He ends up finding out about her diabetes when they go for a hike and she collapses, but she still gets away with having never told him her age until they go on a trip to New York together (?!) and a bouncer (?!) doesn’t allow her into a club (?!) because she is underage.

I know, there’s a lot to unpack here: why can’t Stacey fess up about anything? What kinda freak like Luca doesn’t realise he’s dating a 13-year-old in the first place? Why is there a club, with a bouncer, in New York City, that’s open to teenagers but not teenagers under the age of 16 or something? Make any of it make sense!

As it turns out, Luca ends up forgiving Stacey for lying, and plays the harmonica on her doorstep. Naturally.

Luca promises to come back and visit Stacey next summer, and she gleefully tells him she’ll be 14 then and they kiss.


Watch the hilarious recap on TikTok below:

@heartthrobert The Babysitters Club was a wild ride #90s #90skids #moviereview ♬ original sound – Rob Anderson

Oh, the ’90s. A real time.

For more ’90s and ’00s movies that haven’t aged all that well, take a peek at this list.