the bold type best character

Every Iconic Character In ‘The Bold Type’, Ranked From Least Awful To Jane Sloan

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As the fifth and final season of The Bold Type airs its last episodes in the coming weeks, now is the time to feel nostalgic about the iconic show.

While some New York-based TV shows (rhymes with hunger) had lacklustre last seasons, The Bold Type has gone from strength to strength. This season, Sutton has had to grapple with her divorce from Richard, Jane has fumbled the responsibilities of being a Scarlet editor, while Kat has struggled to find a career path that matches her drive to help the disadvantaged. In other words, they’ve been busy!

As the season is only six episodes long, sadly it’s all about to come to an end. But instead of being upset that it’s almost over, let’s be grateful that it happened by going through some of series’ most iconic characters — and ranking them!

So who is the best character on The Bold Type? Hint: it’s not Jane Sloan.

We ranked every character in The Bold Type from worst to best:

11. Jane

Jane is the worst. She’s bad at her job, she has proven this season to be a terrible editor/manager (she ain’t no Jacqueline!) in her treatment of Addison, and she’s spent the whole series riding on the coattails of Sutton’s ideas. Like literally, so many times in the early seasons, Jane was just repeating Sutton’s concepts when she pitched in meetings — which she was never prepared for?!

Despite all this, Jane is the supposed future of Scarlet. She sucks, yet she’s managed to be praised nonstop for her contributions. Jane claims to be a feminist but her opinions are often laced with internalised misogyny. The worst instance of this was when a stripper Jane did a profile on complained that her identity had been exposed by the magazine, and Jane snapped back, “You expose yourself on a nightly basis. You’re a stripper.” This is not Scarlet material.

10. Patrick

I have a soft spot for Patrick, but there’s no denying that Mr. Dot Com was the series’ main villain. His whole purpose as a character was to push Jacqueline out of the company — and he succeeded, well, for like two episodes. Patrick simply tried too hard, rubbed everyone the wrong way and was super annoying.

9. Ryan (Pinstripe)

How was this character on the show for like four seasons, yet I don’t even know anything him? He’s cute? He’s kinda funny? That’s it. Pinstripe and Jane were the will they/won’t they couple from Season 1, but once they got together, their relationship became pretty dull. Then he cheated on Jane, which — despite my feelings for Jane — still makes him a piece of trash. Bye bitch.

8. Alex

I’m in two minds about Alex. As the resident cis-male perspective at Scarlet, he can be a super kind and empathetic person. His support of Kat when she was struggling with her identity was touching, as was his column where he tried to make amends for crossing women’s boundaries of enthusiastic consent in the past. However, I didn’t love that he felt threatened by his girlfriend Alicia because she’s a successful and wealthy doctor. It’s so outdated and Alex is better than that.

7. Andrew

Andrew has only recently become a regular character on the show, as in the early seasons he only appeared occasionally, but I’ve come to love his scenes. Sure, we don’t know that much about Andrew — other than the fact he worships Jacqueline (same!) — but we do know he hates Jane, so that gets him extra points.

6. Adena

Adena gets a lot of unjust heat online but when it comes down to it, there is no one that has more on-screen chemistry with Kat than her first girlfriend, Adena. I don’t know if they will end up together in the finale, but what I do know is that Adena has helped to educate Kat, has shown her different cultural perspectives, all while pushing her out of her comfort zone.

We need a love story to root for and I ship it.

5. Richard

Richard is the perfect boyfriend. He’s handsome, supportive, caring and rich! Many fans hoped that Sutton and Richard were endgame, but sometimes it’s just not meant to be. He wanted to start a family asap, but Sutton decided that motherhood wasn’t for her. He’s an example of meeting the right guy at the wrong time. Oh and also, maybe before marrying a girl, you should make sure that she actually wants to have kids. Just a thought.

4. Oliver

Oliver is a goddamn gift. From his friendship goals with Jacqueline and his constant support of Sutton, to him taking on fatherhood of his adopted daughter after her father was incarcerated, Oliver’s time on screen is among some of my favourite moments.

3. Kat

Kat is a difficult character to watch at the best of times. She makes impulsive decisions and she often contradicts herself — like the time she started hooking up with a republican woman whose views she detested. However, Kat always course-corrects and learns from her mistakes. Deep down, she’s a good person who is just desperate to make her mark on the world in a positive way.

2. Jacqueline

Jacqueline is The Bold Type’s GOAT. In the words of our Lord and saviour (Oprah): “She is the mother I never had. She is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don’t know a better person.” Amen. Jacqueline is Scarlet’s guiding light and if your boss is half as kind, empathetic and inspiring as her, then count yourself lucky.

Jacqueline could have stolen the number one spot, if it wasn’t for the fact she seems to think Jane is a good writer, editor and person — which is obviously incorrect.

1. Sutton

Sutton is a ray of sunshine. She is the most hilarious, and her storylines around her decision not to have children, her breakup, and her mum’s struggle with alcohol abuse truly pulled at heartstrings. Out of the trio of friends, Sutton wasn’t born into wealth like Kat, and she doesn’t receive constant praise and accolades like Jane. She has struggled to get her job, she had struggled financially and in the last season, we’ve seen her struggle with mental health and addiction, which has only made her more relatable — Sutton has shown that it’s OK not to be OK all the time.

She is an angel. We don’t even deserve Sutton.

In the words of Oliver…


The fifth and final season of The Bold Type can be streamed on Stan.