married at first sight red flags

The ‘MAFS’ Grooms Ranked By Who’s The Biggest Red Flag

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The one benefit of watching Married at First Sight on an obsessive basis is the fact it’ll definitely teach you what kind of men you should be steering clear of.

This is not a factual statistic but I’d say at least 95% of men that appear on the show are walking red flags. Of course there have been good grooms over the years — like, um…*does desperate Google search to remember the good ones*.

Anyway, now that we’re getting to the halfway point of the experiment, we thought we’d rank the grooms based on who we’d marry vs. who we’d run far, far away from.

The results won’t be overly surprising, but here we go.

Here are the 2023 MAFS grooms ranked by the least likely to be a walking red flag to the most likely.


Ollie is a sweet, baby angel and I hope to God there won’t be a nasty twist coming where I have to disown him — but it’s not looking likely, as it appears he and Tahnee are still together to this day. The date he planned for Tahnee where he recreated Fiji for her was pure perfection and melted my cold, dead heart.


duncan mafs

Duncan and Ollie are basically tied as frontrunner for what it’s worth. Duncan has been a breath of fresh air — from the way he treats his wife Alyssa, to his lack of involvement with Da Boiz (Adam, Harrison, and Shannon), to the way he stood up for Josh at the commitment ceremony after learning Melissa had been cruel and insulted his “manhood”.

Duncan is an example of non-toxic masculinity and we bloody love to see it.


Layton MAFS

OK so the man doesn’t have all the life skills necessary to make a perfect boyfriend: he tried to light a candle with a toaster, for God’s sake. But it appears his heart is in the right place, even if he is a little too work-obsessed for our liking.


Josh copped a rough ride throughout his MAFS journey and he was ill-suited to his match Melissa. He seems like a quiet, yet sweet man who deserves someone who will find his Pixar obsession and choccie milk for breakfast habit adorable rather than someone who emasculates him for enjoying the things he enjoys.


dan mafs

Dan seems like a huge sweetheart on the show, but the parading around with his assumed new girlfriend just as his wedding aired is a bit of a dick move. Plus, what is the truth behind the whole phone number saga? It’s hard to say.


cameron mafs

Cameron ultimately seems like a sweetie but he showed a less than desirable side when he attacked his wife, Lyndall, over getting involved with other people’s drama, making it sound like she had to choose between him or her friends she was trying to protect. We don’t like it! Maybe he can get a pass because it’s his first proper relationship or maybe this is also why this is his first proper relationship… makes you think.


jesse mafs

Jesse presented us with his ick list early on, while conveniently forgetting to mention that a lot of his behaviour is a huge ick for any women he’d be dating.

However, minus his jealous outrage — which was low-key warranted — Jesse seems hellbent on making sure he changes his ways. He apologised to Adam after his meltdown, he has put in effort to get to know Claire again, and became a smitten kitten.

Let’s just hope that the current drama rocking him and Claire doesn’t make him revert back to his old ways…


adam mafs

Adam is SUSS AF. Not only was he allegedly creeping on Claire, his apology and front-footing at the first commitment ceremony about the situation seemed rather disingenuous. Plus, his penchant for siding with Harrison and Shannon and putting the boys and their ways above the feelings of the women in the group is pretty gross. Then when Harrison was trying to cover his own ass and stood over Janelle in a power move, Adam did nothing to stop it. Yuck! Go straight to jail, do not pass Go!


shannon mafs

Let’s be real, Shannon is tied at equal first spot. He started the experiment by admitting to the experts that watching MAFS taught him being honest didn’t have to be about hurting someone’s feelings. Now that’s all well and good, but he hardly took that into the experiment with him, deciding brutal honesty was the way to go when ranking Caitlin in amongst the other wives during Confessions Week.

Then he blamed her for his lack of attraction to her, and was cold and dismissive when she put him in his place. After being cruel to her all week, he then had the audacity to try and STAY in the experiment. This man! Leave her alone! Stay away from her! Go to therapy!


In equal first place, sharing the spot with Shannon, we have Harrison. Harrison is not just a walking red flag, he’s the kind of man that would swear you off dating for life. From the continuous gaslighting of his wife, Bronte, to the way he lies about… nearly every single little thing.

If you look up “untrustworthy dickhead” in the dictionary, a photo of Harrison pops up underneath.

Who even has the time to list out all his wrongdoings? Actually we do, you can read about that here. The way this man acts, he’d probably think it’s a compliment. Let’s hope the experts just kick him off the show soon, because we’re sick of seeing his lying ass.

Married at First Sight returns tonight at 7:30pm on Channel Nine.